Hi community,
I want to use my customized Arm Trusted Firmware in Rock 5 ITX. I follow the guide in edk2-rk3588 and do following things:
Compile the firmware with customized Arm Trusted Firmware (done)
Install the supported OS (failed)
Following the supported OS, I tried to install Armbian rk3588-live-iso in ROCK 5 ITX.
However, the balenaEtcher suggests that the operating system iso is missing a partition table (i.e., non-bootable).
Then I ignored the warning and flashed the iso into my SD card. As expected, the Rock 5 ITX still uses the default image in the integrated eMMC module and cannot boot from my SD card image.
Install the firmware image (haven’t done it)
I read the guide Flash the firmware, which suggests that I can flash the UEFI image into a removable SD card or the integrated eMMC module.
I want to flash the firmware into the SD card as I need to modify the Arm Trusted Firmware frequently. In this way, I must flash the supported OS into the integrated eMMC module. However, since I can’t boot the Armbian rk3588-live-iso from the SD card, I haven’t tried to flash it into the eMMC module.
I would appreciate it if someone in the community has experience with flashing ROCK 5 ITX UEFI and can give me some suggestions. Thank you very much!