Question about USB-C Polarity and Switch

I have been using the Radxa Zero product, we USB3 devices. I realise the way I plug in the USB-C cable matters on Radxa zero. If i plug in one way, it shows as USB3 device, the other way shows USB2.

I looked a little further on the schematics and it has a FUSB340 USB3.1 switch, and connected to one of the GPIO pin of the CPU.

May I know what is the intended usage of this? Do we have to manually control this GPIO pin in order to make the both polarity of plugging work as USB3? Thanks!

We have written a script to automatically switch, but I forgot to integrate it into the system when I was busy. You can download it and try it out.

Originally was the driver to do this, but the driver in the mainline is not perfect, using a trick way.