Question about OS insatllation with RK 3568 SoC

Hello everyone! I’m having a small problem with my card from another manufacturer (Youyeetoo), but it’s quite similar to the Rock3A. To cut a long story short, the Debian images provided by Youyeetoo don’t work very well.

So I did some research into the SoC used by my card and came across Radxa, which makes the Rock 3A with the same SoC and software as my card.

I found this tutorial on your wiki, “Install on eMMC from USB port” (link here:, which uses RKDevTool differently to what I’m used to.
I’d like to reproduce this process on my YY3568 board with the Debian image provided by Raxda (as the hardware is quite similar, it should work). The problem is that there is a specific manipulation to do on the board in the tutorial, and I’m not sure how Youyeetoo has implemented it on his board.
I have the impression that it has something to do with the RECOVERY button, but I’m not sure. So I’m turning to you for help. If you could help me figure out how to do this on my card, that would be really cool. I’m open to your suggestions and advice, and I’d be very grateful for your help.

Thanks in advance for your help!

YY3568 wiki:

I think everybody is just groaning as no-one knows that board as really just the u-boot DTS & Kernel DTS specific to that device should build.

It looks like the standard evaluation board rk3568-evb1-ddr4-v10.dts but if they have made changes or not who knows.

What do you mean by ‘Don’t work very well’?

the problem is that there is a specific manipulation to do on the board in the tutorial, and I’m not sure how Youyeetoo has implemented it on his board.
I have the impression that it has something to do with the RECOVERY button

I believe you’re referring to when it states to enter maskrom mode? Radxa boards have a button specifically for maskrom mode.

What I mean by doesn’t work very well is that several components like ip6table or the integration of applications like Webmin or Nginx proxy are broken. The same goes for permissions management for files, you can run the command to authorise a particular folder for a particular docker application, but it doesn’t work. And just look at the image repository, the latest version is only available in SD but it’s the one you need to use for flash in eMMC, the guys don’t make any effort for the software whereas the hardware is spotless.

For me, it seems that I need to use the “Go Maskrom” option in “Advanced Features”. But it says that this involves risks such as bricking the device, is this true?

Because I was thinking of doing an installation with the Debian image of Rock 3A is the file rk356x_spl_loader_ddr1056_v1.12.109_no_check_todly.bin, do you think it will work in theory?

Have no idea the spl_loader and rk3568-evb1-ddr4-v10.dts should be the ones from your build.

Have you not tried the Ubuntu images see if they are any better even if 20.04?

The one on the youteetoo wiki?

I’ve had a look at the documentation, but in itself, if I use Ubuntu base version 23.10 and compile it with the file “yy3568-ubuntu-linux-sdk-230821.tar.gz”, will it work? Or will the SDK just not be compatible.

No there are precompiled images
The debian ones here as likely you have
Ubuntu ones here
The Ubuntu ones seem a bit fresher

And this ? :

I have also fond this readme and I have translated in English the last line is rather interesting:

  1. Built using Rockchip Linux SDK 5.10.
  • This project is created using Rockchip Linux SDK 5.10.
  1. For the convenience of user driver development, kernel header files have been installed in /usr/src/linux-headers-5.10.160.
  • Kernel header files are available in /usr/src/linux-headers-5.10.160 to facilitate user driver development.
  1. Sound testing (default is HDMI audio output).
  • Speaker Output:
    • Set the speaker output: amixer -c 0 cset numid=2 2
    • Test speaker output: speaker-test -twav -c2
  • Headphone Output:
    • Set the headphone output: amixer -c 0 cset numid=2 3
    • Test headphone output: speaker-test -twav -c2
  • Speaker + Headphone Output:
    • Set both speaker and headphone output: amixer -c 0 cset numid=2 6
    • Test both outputs: speaker-test -twav -c2
  1. Camera testing.
  • Run the following commands to test the camera:
export DISPLAY=:0
export XAUTHORITY=/home/youyeetoo/.Xauthority
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/gstreamer-1.0
gst-launch-1.0 v4l2src device=/dev/video0 ! video/x-raw,format=NV12,width=${WIDTH},height=${HEIGHT}, framerate=30/1 ! videoconvert ! $SINK
  1. Default user: youyeetoo (password: 123456).
  2. Users can replace their own third-party root file system, which can be burned to the rootfs partition. After replacing, the kernel header files, firmware, and driver modules will be automatically installed during the reboot.
  3. For user convenience, the debug serial port baud rate has been changed to 115200.
  4. The rootfs partition is located at the end. The first startup or flashing a new third-party rootfs will automatically expand the rootfs partition. Users do not need to worry about it.

Dunno as only you can test but they seem to do a different image for each display output the above being edp

Yes, but all I need is an SSH terminal to control the card. I want to turn it into a server, I don’t need a screen.