Python GPIO/peripheral library for ROCK 5

Ported the adafruit blinka library to Rock 5.
Supported (and mainly untested): GPIO I2C SPI UART PWM ADC


Install guide:

When you finished the guide please replace the adafruit_blinka package with the repo package to get the Rock5 support.

The pin name is named after the physical pin location (and the peripheral function name). For example, board.D3 === board.I2C7_SDA_M3 -> GPIO4_B3

Plz refer to for more.

This branch is awaiting testing so I can open a pull request to merge it into the main repo which can be installed directly using pip.

The circuitpython ecosystem is truly great, achieving the goal of write once, run anywhere(microcontroller, arm sbc, x86 machine) and 400+ libraries is available so I port this instead of mraa or RPI.GPIO



Thanks for porting this. Have you tried using pwmio with code such as:

PWMA = pwmio.PWMOut(board.PWM8, frequency=1000)


PWMA = pwmio.PWMOut(board.D32, frequency=1000)

currently, I have had no luck getting PWM working.



very cool. You make my Day. TNX a lot!

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Hi @hallo1
when you say “When you finished the guide please replace the adafruit_blinka package with the repo package to get the Rock5 support.”

Could you tell me how you do this?

I have installed the package. It does seem to work, but when turning a pin off, it seems to drop to around 50mv rather than off. The pins I have off normally seem to sit around .1mv.