Purchase from Europe: Aliexpress Vs Allnet-China Vs Arace

Hi All,

I’m located in Europe and I would like to buy few Radxa devices.
The website suggests three stores: Aliexpress, Allnet-China and Arace.
Do you have any suggestion on which one is more reliable?

Aliexpress is also common in Europe but usually more expensive. Do you guys have experience with Allnet or Arace?


Arace + 4PX is solid (4PX is around 10 days, the issue is more with Arace since they don’t keep good track with actual stock info when trying to order online. Could be better nowadays)

AliExpress is a safe bet especially <150€ bc they cover import taxes then.

Haven’t tried Allnet but read that others had a good experience with them but not for warranty aspects.

I’ve bought my radxa zero 3W on RS Online. 3 days shipping.

Allnet has been good for me (EU).

Both are OK, but DHL and Fedex are usually really disappointing and pricey with no reason,
4PX method never failed for me.