Problem in Enabling I2C and I2S

Hi everyone!

I have a Radxa Zero 3E, and I want to connect several chips to it, including a Bosch BME688 development kit and an INMP441 Microphone. I am quite sure about the connection of the pins, but still when I run the command " arecord -l ", I cannot see any outputs related to the microphone. Also, when I run “sudo i2cdetect -y X” , where X is either 0,2,3,6(I run the command ls /dev/i2c-* to find these numbers), I don’t see any meaningful results. Do I have to do something to enable I2S or I2C?

I would be grateful for your guides!

Can you tell me what pins you are using with the Bosch BME688 and INMP441 Microphone on the zero-3e?

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Thanks for the reply!
For Bosch BME688, I connected it to an Adafruit HUZZAH32 Feather board, and then I made this connections between Adafruit board and Radxa Zero 3E:

3V —> Pin 1
GND —> Pin 6
SCL —> Pin 5
SDA —> Pin 3

For INMP441, the connections are like this:

VDD —> Pin 1
GND —> Pin 6
SCK —> PIN 12
WS —> PIN 35
SD —> PIN 38
L/R —> Pin 39

@Mitchell any update?