PoE HAT 23W software missing


I just bought the PoE HAT and tried to get it up and running. The following Wiki page is the guide I found: https://wiki.radxa.com/ROCKPI_23W_PoE_HAT

Unfortunately the domain cos.setq.me is not connectable and therefore I can’t get the FAN up and running. Is there an alternative source?

Hi Eckis,

We moved it to github, which is here: https://github.com/radxa/23w-poe

Object storage (COS) has anti-theft chain settings, browser access may be blocked, but command line access is normal. But to make it easier to access, we’ve moved it to github.

If you have any other questions, please let me know.


Thanks a lot for the new location. I wasn’t successful in installing.

I’m puzzled, that the only OS supported by the script is Debian 9. I have no idea where to get that. On your https://wiki.radxa.com/Rock4/downloads#rock-4b+ is Debian 10 with Debian 11 as beta and on https://radxa.com/products/rock4/4bp#downloads is Debian 11 available.

I just have Debian 11 installed.

Your script suggests to install libmraa and rockpi4-dtbo. The newest edition of libmraa is libmraa2 and rockpi4-dtbo I couldn’t find in any repository.

What should I do to get your device running?


I bought this product with the expectation that I get a usable product. Nothing was written that it is legacy and that it is not anymore manufactured.

Maybe I should write in the shopping website a resume telling, that the software is old and not anymore usable.

Your complaint is a common refrain on here, unfortunately. Some queries like yours will get an actual response, with varying degrees of usefulness. Others will just languish forever, getting no response at all.

This isn’t to say that there are no people on here who can help; I believe there are many very knowledgeable folks, but they’re just not of the sort who are going to go out of their way to assist. Then there are the people I think of as the “Radxa apologists”, who will (unhelpfully) tell you that if you want to fix your problem, you need to be running a supported distribution…neglecting the fact that most or all of those are literally years out of date.

I’ve seen the Radxa folks themselves explain that it’s more profitable to continually release new hardware than it is to make sure that the associated software stays fresh, especially if makers of similar hardware are just going to “steal” the fruits of their labor anyway. I would argue that this is how the world of Open Source works, but I do understand how that would be frustrating. Unfortunately, the end result is that the people who bought these devices in quantity for some sort of project fare just fine, while the folks like us who bought one because it was what we thought was the best option end up disappointed.

All that said, there are libraries available for controlling a fan via PWM, if you wanted to try rolling your own solution. I’m facing a similar conundrum, since I’ve been able to get basic on/off functionality to work fine, while variable speeds via PWM have so far eluded me.

I’m sorry that you ended up in a similar place as quite a number of others on here. I know exactly how disappointing that can be.