Pimp My Radxa Rock 5A!

Quality Time… Clown Fiesta all the wey ! :no_mouth:‍:fog:

The best part was when I finished building it… forgot that I had to reflash the emmc 🤦

Also the yellow part I just removed it and it sits perfect !



Haven’t checked out the 5A spec wise, think one would make a good emulation station? Looking to pick up an SBC to leave attached to my TV purely for emulation.

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Yes! Def. this one! It has no power issues and the micro hdmi’s are a big plus!

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Awesome. Hoping it can handle PS2, but guess we’ll see. I have also been considering an Orange Pi5 +

Ahhh Boosteroid + Armbian + Rock 5A… Life is good now. :penguin::beers::video_game:

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