Penta sata kit & RockPi 3A

Hi, I recently bought the PENTA SATA KIT and ROCK3A bundle, can anyone point me to step-by-step instructions for setting up the software on a Rock 3A?

Also I’ve read on this forum that the bottom heat sink is designed specifically for the Rock4 (there is a noticeable gap between the Rock3 and the heatsink), Are there any plans to make a Rock 3 version of the heatsink compatible with the data kit? Ideally, one that can be easily removed to access the emmc without having to take the whole kit apart.


all connectors of 3A are in the same position like 4A/B boards. The difference is the CPU which resides on top of the 3A boards.

That is why it also works to mount the board on top of the standard heat sink for Rock Pi 4A/B as well as for the Penta case kit. It will be in the correct position but does not take advantage of the heat sink which is integrated in the bottom part of the case.

In any way you will need a base plate to close the case. You therefore have no “easy” way of replacing the emmc which is mounted on the bottom part of the board.

In regards to the software setup - check here: