I had Proxmox up and running on one of my Radxa X4’s and after doing a reboot it wouldn’t connect to the network. A couple more reboots later and it jumped into BIOS with the attached message.
I’ve only seen that message once, but I can only get the device to boot into proxmox maybe 35% of the time. Sometimes when it does, I have no network. Most of the time though, it boots straight to the BIOS.
I re-flashed the BIOS but that hasn’t fixed the issue. I’ve ran memory checks and nvme tests, they all passed.
Originally, I thought it might have been the POE board. After I removed it and powered the board from USB-C It booted to Proxmox a couple of times. But, then then that stopped working.
My last test was removing the nvme card and installing to a usb ssd drive. After the installation, it booted into Proxmox but again, no network. At this point I think the board has gone bad on me.
Any ideas?