PCI Out of Resource message

I had Proxmox up and running on one of my Radxa X4’s and after doing a reboot it wouldn’t connect to the network. A couple more reboots later and it jumped into BIOS with the attached message.

I’ve only seen that message once, but I can only get the device to boot into proxmox maybe 35% of the time. Sometimes when it does, I have no network. Most of the time though, it boots straight to the BIOS.
I re-flashed the BIOS but that hasn’t fixed the issue. I’ve ran memory checks and nvme tests, they all passed.

Originally, I thought it might have been the POE board. After I removed it and powered the board from USB-C It booted to Proxmox a couple of times. But, then then that stopped working.

My last test was removing the nvme card and installing to a usb ssd drive. After the installation, it booted into Proxmox but again, no network. At this point I think the board has gone bad on me.

Any ideas?


Is there any special equipment connected? We have not received similar questions before
According to the prompts, you can try the following

  • Remove extra PCI devices, minimize the system
  • Change or remove RTC battery
  • Try other system like windows

I had it up and running with an nvme module. When that failed to boot with the PCI message, I pulled the nvme module and installed the OS to an external SSD drive. Same issue.
I hadn’t pulled the battery, so I’ll give that a try. I also had the POE board connected when it was working and pulled it off as well after receiving the PCI message. So other than the battery and the heatsink fan, nothing else was connected when I tried to boot from the external SSD. This is a 16GB model without any eMMC so either USB or nvme are my options.
I’ve not used Windows in decades. I had Proxmox running on it for the last week. I just received it. I tried Debian 12 and Ubuntu 22.04, none are able to boot successfully or when they do, the ethernet interface isn’t found.
I’m away from the board at the moment but when I get back home I’ll give the battery a shot.