OPNSense for Rock-Pi-E & Rock-Pi 4

@SleepWalker, sorry, I did not get your point with the first approach. The RockPi was connected to my laptop only and I’ve also disconnected the WIFI on the laptop. So the rockPi was absolutely not in contact with the existing opnSense instance.
So, you would like me to start the RockPi without the SD card?

BTW: I’m downloading the FreeBSD, and will also try that one.

The freebsd 13 image is working …

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@SleepWalker, it seems, now the opnSense is booting. Not sure, what was the issue, but it seems, it was caused by the UTP cable I was using or my notebook. When I put the LAN into the switch directly (yes IP collision with existing opnSense), but then I was able to log into the new instance. Then when I put the cable end to my notebook it was also working. Then a restart of the rockpi by keeping the lan plugged in to my NP, again nothing. Then I just switched the cable ends between rockpi and NP and now its working. Don’t ask … but I’m happy that it is working now.

NOW the question: do you know about any case for RockPi? I haven’t found anything on ali …


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This is a very good question!
I couldn’t find anything as a case for the Rock-Pi-E.
Housings for Rock-Pi4 and Rock-Pi-X are available for sale.
But I found a good example.

Maybe someone can design a 3D model for printing on a 3D printer.

It would be great if the RADXA Team fulfilled this task.

Let’s put like under this post and we’ll see how many people are interested in it.

Vote for - put like.

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One more question. I see that there are plenty of plugins for opnSense, but in my installation I see only few. How can I install a plugin which is not listed in my installation? Is this built in to the image? I have a grafana&telegraf monitoring and would like to integrate opnSense. I saw a plugin for it…


There was rockpiE case available which I have but not sure if it is still available.

Those are not built for aarch64 yet. Please support this project by donating to @SleepWalker As he. Updates all the packages regularly.
I think grafana and telegraf can be a good plugins to work on rockpiE but with routing load idk how well it will perform.
Btw i have been using rockpie as my home firewall router on opnsense since i have recieved it.
It have been doing it’s job even though the throughout is not much but it fulfills my use case.

Hi guys,

I really would like to use HAProxy on my OpnSense. Is there any way to get the HAProxy package for RockPI E?


Here is a quick search for haproxy pkg on my RockPiE running OPNSense since a year.

root@RockPiE:~ # pkg search haproxy
haproxy22-2.2.18               Reliable, high performance TCP/HTTP load balancer
os-haproxy-3.7                 Reliable, high performance TCP/HTTP load balancer

os plugin pkg is already present. so you should be able to use it, while I prefer nginx as I am used to it.

Make sure you use the latest RockPiE image from personalbd.org website to get multi mirror function which was recently added.
Good luck.

@spikerguy thanks for the quick response. This looks promising, however I need to digest your answer a little bit (sorry, I’m not a linux guys, just learning it :)).

So, this means, I can install and use haproxy backend to my rockpi, but I will not be able to manage it from the opnSense UI (because of the missing opnSense plugin). Am I right?

Opnsense is bsd and not linux. :wink:


os-haproxy is the opnsense plugin of ha proxy so you can use it from the UI.

With the latest image of rockpiE you should be able to do most of the work from the UI itself.
Give it a try.

Ok at least it’s known now by everyone that I’m not a BSD guy too :slight_smile: Thanks for the correction, studying all the time :wink:

Thanks for your great help, I’ve successfully updated to the latest image 21.7.5 and installed HAproxy.

That was fast. :smiley:
Please join @personalbsd group on telegram and share your use case and also ask opnsense specific questions.

Enjoy HAProxy. :wink:

Hi @spikerguy ,

Yesterday I’ve updated my router to the latest build OPNsense-22.1.6, and for some reason the WAN adapter was not connected. Previously I was using 21.7.5 and also some other earlier versions and both LAN and WAN was working fine.

This is what I saw on the UI:

And this is from the console:


What is also strange, the console is saying the dwc1 (WAN) is Gigabit, but RockPi E has only 1 gigabit ethernet, the second one is only 100 megabit.

Is there any config change on my end needed to get to work?


@SleepWalker do you have rockpie for testing this?
I have it in production and i cannot upgrade it yet.

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Hi @abal .
Rockchip Gigabit Ethernet Conctroller - this is name of controller no a port.
Both ports use this Controller - it is true.

If the device dwc1 is defined - it should work.
Try to just make a new test installation and not upgrade.
I don’t see any reason why this wouldn’t work.
So far I have not been able to test myself.

@spikerguy Hi
One of the users has already upgraded and everything worked fine here is an example

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Hi @SleepWalker,

Sorry I was not clear enough. The update meant, I did a new clean install on a different sd card, then imported the previous config. So it was not an in-place upgrade.

This is the issue. I had same problem when trying to restore from old config.
You need to look at your backup xml file and find the lan and wan port names and correct it as per the new installation.

You can also go to interface setting in opnsense and re assign it correctly.

There is a negative experience of such experiments

Hey guys,

Thanks for the quick response. The first try was wrong, I tried to assign only WAN and I think the LAN was then unassigned :). What is strange, the UI show both interfaces assigned, but the console not. Need to re-flash and will try again.

BTW: you are saying there is a wrong experience by importing the config. What is then a preferred way of update? The 2 SD cards and separate installations are very comfortable and safe for me, as anything goes wrong, I just replace the cards and all is working again.