Okdo ROCK 4 Model C+ information

Just a few questions on the Okdo ROCK 4 Model C+
Does it have a real time clock?
can I reset with external switch?
is there any pin out information ?
I just asked internet search engine hoping to get the answers, so I did not have to ask here, but …

ROCK 4C+ reserves the RTC circuit and the components are not soldered default.

There is no reset connector/button.

Please check the information from https://wiki.radxa.com/Rock4/4cplus.

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Thank you Stephen it looks like a great reply, just what I wanted to know

Oh just one more question, can you turn off or on the WiFi when it suits you, Right now I have a similar small computer put out with someone else, they changed the operating system format the other week, and I could not turn the WiFi off or on when I wanted to, I asked their forum and I only got abused without getting a answer. Now the thread is locked off. it is a pity that over the year I have learned a lot with linux and soon might be able to help “their forum” out , but once I get up and running, with a small computer this group uses I could give the help here.

And by the way:
I asked for technical help all they did was have a poke at me like from their moderator, which I do not believe in.