No HDMI signal from board

Hallo, my Rock PI X after some days stoped to send signal to HDMI - so nothing is displayd on monitor (neither BIOS, neither OS). I tried to restart it, I tried to use different LCD, different cables, notning work. Monitor is still in sleeping mode, like no signal. Board is working, I can ping. Can you help me with that?

Board is working, I can ping.

Can you try to refresh a bios ? Using the MCU programmer, it will program the chip from the pins of the spi flash.

If the HDMI no signal error still occurs after updating the BIOS, it may be that your HDMI hardware interface is damaged.

Dear Shine, can you please navigate me how to update BIOS? I have no experience with MCU programmer. Thanks! Petr

Hallo, it still does not work. I tried three HDMI monitors and three different cables. Still no picture on screen, so I can not refresh BIOS as you mentioned.

If you don’t know how to use the MCU burner, I suggest you send us the board to repair it for you.

MCU burner :

OK, please send me your address to send board to you. As I mentioned many times here, seems system works, only not seen anything on display (due to this error I can not use it). I also did not change anything in BIOS, neither flashing bios. So do do not have equipement to MCU burner.

Dear Radxa, II would like to complain about the purchased equipment. After two weeks, the HDMI connection is gone and the device cannot be used at this time. I didn’t make any BIOS changes, I don’t have any hardware or experience on MSU burning. Can you please recommend me the next steps?