No graphic output with latest official Jammy images

I’ve been testing out the pre-release Jammy (CLI) images for my RockPi 4B and am having issues with graphical (non tty) output. The images are from the radxa-build repo and I’ve tried a few different build numbers, all with the same result.

Here’s the issue: the board boots up to tty with no issue and I can happily enjoy a Jammy experience, but as soon as I try to do anything graphical the output HDMI display locks up. Examples of graphical things I’ve tried to do are:

  • Start an X windows manager with startx. I’ve tried both i3wm and Mate.
  • Start a single application with startx (e.g., startx /usr/bin/xterm).
  • Start a wayland windows manager (sway).
  • Run a program that creates its own display (e.g., ffplay or mpv).

In all cases my attached monitor stops responding and the keyboard appears to be no longer responsive (e.g., I can’t switch to a different tty). The computer is still running, however, and I can ssh in and run things normally. Strangely, when poking around via ssh there is no indication that something is wrong. top doesn’t show any hung processes and, as far as I can tell, there are no X related processes (xinit, xorg, etc.) running at all.

The fact that both X and wayland apps cause the same result makes me think that this is not an issue with X or wayland, but rather something going on with the graphics drivers themselves. Is it possible that the series 4 boards aren’t currently supported by the Jammy release?

FWIW, Armbian Jammy does work.

Any insight or help is greatly appreciated.

Then just use it? Ain’t perfect but on average it provides more value and less problems then Radxa assembly. Some could say “a lot more”.

This is a good question. I generally use (and enjoy using) Armbian for all of my projects (including a few other RockPi’s!), but in this specific case it lacks features I need. Namely, support for the rk_mpp hardware decoders. All Armbian builds I’ve tried fail to properly initialize rk_mpp and all Radxa builds are able to do it.

You probably only need to recompile video player. OOB this is not (yet) working.