I finally received my Rock 5B, and I’d like to start learning NixOS. There’s no official support for NixOS, so I’d like to work on improving that. My research has lead me here:
It indicates that if the board is supported by a U-Boot config, it can be fairly straightforward to build an image. However, it doesn’t appear that Rock 5B has been upstreamed.
That said, the Radxa github has a fork of U-Boot, which does contain what appears to be the correct board.
I’m guessing this fork is being used to build the official Rock 5 B images for Debian/Ubuntu/Android.
But considering many of the threads here about other distros say that full support isn’t mainlined, and because the official Ubuntu image has a special PPA for the linux kernel package coming from this Radxa fork (github.com/radxa/kernel), my guess is that building with the right U-Boot isn’t the only thing to do. What is the relationship between that kernel fork and this other overlays repo (github.com/radxa/overlays/tree/main/arch/arm64/boot/dts/rockchip/overlays), is this just the diff? Any direction here would be greatly appreciated.