Nio 12L availability

Is there any given release date for the Nio 12L SBC? I found it for sale on rs-online for 551 PLN, though it says it ships out on 25.06, but I can’t find any information about that on the Radxa product page, wiki, or documentation.

NIO 12L will be officially announced at the Embedded World with Mediatek and Ubuntu/Canonical. Please wait next week. Why do you want to buy the NIO 12L, want to try something new?

It just seems like the perfect form factor for me and built-in WiFi and UFS storage is a great addition.

Oooh! I on the other hand am very interested in the supposed official Ubuntu support and other software!
Is it true?

Radxa is a Ubuntu certified partner now and the NIO 12L will be Ubuntu certified, we have started the process. Ubuntu will provide at least 5 years updates for it. But, there is but, the overall status of Ubuntu on Genio platform is not so matured at the moment. There is a lot of work to do.


I wouldn’t solely rely on RS Online’s listing for the release date. Sometimes these dates can be placeholders or subject to change. Your best bet would be to reach out directly to Radxa for confirmation.