News about the ROCK 5B Plus! ;)

Do you know if the Case for the Radxa 5B will fit?

The legendary Panda :slight_smile: Are you by any chance the creator of BredOS?

I will try to install it manually and report back.

But omit the latter (&&) and inspect the code and -x flag in this context. I am guessing the ā€œed8484becā€ is a specific commit?


Yes I am the creator of BredOS.

I think so but i could be mistaken, I donā€™t know much about baota

Niiice. Will install it again tomorrow. I remember it was lacking some kind of ACU/armbian-config/raspi-config of sorts. Other than that it ran really well I must say. Altough Iā€™m not seeing much activity as @kwankiu images. I so long for a stable Arch on my rock5bā€¦ oh, and it seems the BredOSā€™s download URL for pre-built images does not work. And overall, Iā€™m missing ā€œreleasesā€ on Github. Is it on hold? The Wiki page is down also.

As for Baota. It installed dependencies for 12 minutes, then exiting, without some kind of handle, shortcut or refernence. Except a URL Iā€™ve lost during the process. But rsetup now asks if I want to uninstall when choosing ā€œcommon tasksā€™ā€ (which in itself is a weird phrasing/questionable UI/UX ).

We are working on a GUI app to do that kind of thing.

It seems to be up for me

Yeah I really cant keep up with all sbcs.

maybe @RadxaYuntian can help you more

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Great news! Allow me to be your best critique, honest and by no means with bad intent.

Right, @RadxaYuntian could possibly assist?

@rippanda12. As for your OS. Let me provide further feedback so that you know exactly what an ordinary person would experience, and potentially abandoning it, as a consequence.

And of you need any help with the project, I am all yoursā€¦ I would love to get into the world of your kind of development. I understand time does not allow mentorship for you, but I will gladly help with constructive criticism, documentation, translation, and basic programming (I have some years of Linux and Python experience, nothing special though)

With rsetup we have a small optimization where if there is a single menu entry, we will automatically select it. This was to reduce some key inputs in scenarios where menu items are dynamically generated.

When we added BaoTa we also removed 2 other tasks under this menu: SSH & docker. The reason was that they need to be updated as well to suit the new diagram, but this caused the unintended effect that there is now only a single item in this menu, which automatically leads you to installation confirmation screen.

We will fix this part soon.

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No worries, take your time and I appreciate the throrough explenation as I am genuinly interested while expressing ā€œtypicalā€ consumer/B2B feelings. The b3 Bookworm is something though! Very snappy and feels extremely stable. But I also have encountered some strange behaviour that I have never seen before. Where would you want me to assist in these findings and in what form of logs? The strength in having an RK3588 is that we all can test with the same env, without having to consider a million other stuff. A bit like Apple. A Gnome version would also be something elseā€¦ still figuring out the ā€œrsdkā€. The docs are sparse on this topic and I only have this Rock 5B to use (except for an Android and RPi4b & 5b). My AMD64 laptops broke, I lost my Macbook M1, and now I haver been poor for over a year. So can only experiment with affordable stuff like Picos and anything that stilll worksā€¦

And I would be happy to just go through everything as an end-user and document the most critical parts. I got the impression that is was on hold as the UEFI Arch guy advertise @kwankiu, and also @amazingfate , altough none of his two hybrid images have worked properly. Encryption breaks after restart and I input password on the Debian one, saying it cannot find the mapping. And the Ubuntu one gets stuck during live execution when enccrypting through standard user landā€¦ And of course also @Spooky. But he is a legend everywhere, and in his own right. Altough Ubuntu browsers tear very often.

But visiting BredOS, without anyone mentioning anything, the Reddit seemed dead, close to 0 docs and the website is basically broken wherever I click. I was guessing ā€œunder constructionā€ at first until I saw that it had been a while on the market. I would actually borrow @kwankiuā€™s config immpl. and instead put all my effort on making a functioning edk2 UEFI impl. with easy enough encryption, and maybe Secure Boot on that. Both UEFI releases from @kwankiu and the other guy has not worked for me. I wonder if maybe the documentartion could have been longer, more up to date, and even involving tips and tricks, with a little bit of biased recommendations. That would be awesome. :slight_smile:

I asked aliexpress sales, after purchasing the 5B passive case with a 5B+ and they told me it wouldnā€™t fit and cancelled my order for me. I never tried myself, but I trust they wouldnā€™t have cancelled the order if it actually did fit.

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Cheers, good to know. Would you recommend ordering the main unit from there (or the ITX) version too?

5b+ has different port layout and it will need yet another thermal pad. Old, gree metal case will not work with it for sure, hopefully there will be some refreshed version.

@dominik What is the PCB you shared a photo of, it looks like it is screwed on top of a Rock 5B normal board and it splits its 4-lane PCIe v3 M.2 slot into two 2-lane M.2 slots?

What is the name of the PCB, where can I buy it

Here You can read more about it:

You can just order it on any pcb manufacturer site,
Almost same thing is now offered by odroid.

@dominik That is awesome. Does Odroid sell this extra for Rock 5B, whatā€™s the URL?

Price-wise including shipping how much would it be to order your design from a PCB manufacturer site?

Overall I prefer the Rock 5B over the Rock 5B Plus. So it makes sense to use this card.

Just keep an eye on energy consumption / delivery for the ports.

No, odroid has such adapter for odroid board, but the principle is the same so this one should work on 5B with no problem. @Semi designed his board exclusively for 5B, so it fits perfectly (as in my photo), odroid version will stand out a bit, but this should be not a big problem because You already need different case for it.

Final price to manufacture depends on few things, how many do You need, with or without assembly. You need to change board thickness to 0.8mm (the only special requirement). From time to time there are some promotions and bargains (right now pcbway celebrate 10th anniversary, so You will get $5 discount for 1st order). Just head to jlcpb and pcbway and try to put this to cart, check pricing Yourself. If You can solder it yourself (or have someone to do that, itā€™s very simple project) then it should be about $15 for 10pcs.

Itā€™s just the second NVME and full size HDMI input which is different as far as case options?

I donā€™t actually know, I donā€™t have a regular 5B to comapare with. From the pictures it also looked like the CPU position seems a tiny bit different just afew mm though, but it might have an effect.

Do we have any information on 4GB and 8GB version availability? It seems that all versions in all stores are out of stock already.