This is definitely how I see it. It’s all hardware, without the stability of a Raspberry Pi. I’m just a noob talking from experience but the feeling is, not surprisingly, mutual. Joshua’s Ubuntu also has its quirks. But it is unfair, undoubtedly, to compare his work to the work force of a manufacturer. The latest Radxa b3 is quite stable, although my very specific bug is still present. But then there’s these little things that feels like sloppy or unchecked work. E. g., latest Rsetup has something it installs, and I say something, because I can only find this reference in a Radxa commit not long ago, saying absolutely nothing about it. Something called Baota(?). If I say yes, I get the output:
cat: /etc/redhat-release: No such file or directory
| Bt-WebPanel FOR CentOS/Ubuntu/Debian
| Copyright © 2015-2099 BT-SOFT( All rights reserved.
| The WebPanel URL will be http://SERVER_IP:18684 when installed.
| 为了您的正常使用,请确保使用全新或纯净的系统安装宝塔面板,不支持已部署项目/环境的系统安装±---------------------------------------------------------------------
I mean… is this supposed to be a bad spyware implementation? No documentation, no hits on Google… only a commit with the name in it. 2015-2099? ‘SERVER_IP’ seems to be a variable typo. And the URL, in Chinese, would be the closest thing to any context.
This is nothing specific, but generally speaking. Is there a QA dept.? You would think that judging by how long it takes between releases. To be fair it is quite stable, but is more of an expectation. Still some bugs and quirks. And still very far from the feeling of confidence when using a Raspberry.