New user of 4SE

I have tested the Rock 4SE card with latest images from Github, and have some issues. I have reported them, but wonder if I can get any feedback here.

First, using the xfce image install gives a very sluggish system and gui. Something is very wrong here. Using the cli image and then installing xfce gives a normal performing system and gui.

Second, when using the cli image and using rsetup for keyboard localization, there is a missing package “keyboard-configuration” in the image. Even if installing this package, the settings of the keyboard localization fails (even on a reboot). This function seems to be broken in rsetup.

Third, when using the cli image and running tasksel to install xfce, the installation hangs on “configuring plymouth” process. A power cycle and running “sudo dpkg --configure -a” fixes the problem. Something wrong here?

All done using a SD card, no other storage available.