New entry level ROCK 2A

looks great :smiley:


Smaller ethernet less idea of board is good to:


Any ideas about the RAM capacity? RK3528 has a 4 GB address space. Also, will it run Android?

Has usb3.0
Has gbit Ethernet

Usb 2.0 only
No ethernet

Will there be an option for 4gb ram 16gb mmc?

Also you should really highlight 4k vp9, it is important for media stuff

I just ordered a ROCK 2F 1GB on aliexpress, can’t wait to test it out

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Will the radxa provide operating system ubuntu or debian image?

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Is this for both 2A and 2F?

I think so ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

I just downloaded the latest debian image here, boots just fine.

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which is a link from github also.