This is really frustrating. I read a lot of bad experiences online before I bought the 3W, I thought things would be smoother after a year, unfortunately it doesn’t seem to be the case.
I tried to install the official Debian Bullseye image in Windows, after a few tries because of the confusing instructions, jumped back and forth between RkDevTool 2.86 and 2.96, it started giving me “Test Device Fail” and can’t go any further:
|11:06:10 718|Error:RKU_Write-->WriteFile failed,bRet=0,err=31,size=31,write=0|
|11:06:27 746|ERROR:RKU_ResetPipe-->DeviceIoControl failed,err=31|
|11:06:27 746|<LAYER 1-2> ERROR:TestDevice-->RKU_TestDeviceReady failed,RetCode|
Then I switched to Linux. I tried both rkdeveloptool and upgrade_tool. I can write the loader, but failed to write the image. Both tools gave me “Write LBA failed!” Here is the log of the upgrade tool:
11:57:05 Upgrade Tool v2.1
11:57:05 Current process in ~/repos/radxa/Linux_Upgrade_Tool
11:57:05 Using ~/repos/radxa/Linux_Upgrade_Tool/config.ini
11:57:05 Command Line: ./upgrade_tool wl 0 ../radxa-zero3_debian_bullseye_xfce_b6.img
11:57:05 Current Device Location ID:11
11:57:08 Error:RKU_Write failed,err=-7
11:57:08 Error: RKU_WriteLBA failed, err=-3
Here are the device infos:
Program Log will save in the /root/upgrade_tool/log/
List of rockusb connected(1)
DevNo=1 Vid=0x2207,Pid=0x350a,LocationID=11 Mode=Maskrom
Any suggestions from here?