Hi, I’m Steve and I’m new here.
I’m Starting a new thread to share by Lunch box build, hopefully I can answer some questions, Hopefully I can find answers to some questions.
Here is what I am building. the goal is a battery powered self contained windows 10 , touchscreen PC based on the Rock-Pi X single board PC platform .
Here is a picture of one of the first mock ups to see if this whole thing is going to be possible.
I’ll address the specifics as I run into / solve issues.
My current struggle is learning how to UPS ( Uninterrupted Power supply) this new board.
I did purchase a Pi Juice battery pack hat and it works out of the box to supply power to the board without a wall power supply attached.
However, the battery it comes with does not have enough output to power the touchscreen at the same time so I have to power the the screen separately from the wall.
I have some ideas on how to overcome that, some hardware is on the way and i will update as to successes or failures as that evolves.
I am having a hard time figuring out how to get windows to recognize the battery power, it would nice to have a an onscreen monitor like nearly all cell phones and laptops have but windows recognize the PiJuice hat as a laptop type power supply.
The Pijuice hat comes with downloadable software that will give me a GUI to do all of these things but it is a Linux based Gui so it doesn’t play nice with windows.
Any input on this would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks to the community for your time…