Mraa 2.2.0 on ROCK3A

Please, add support for ROCK3A in
I tried to build this pkg and no pin is detecting
Version 2.1.0 at works well btw

This repository [radxa/mraa] ( is no longer maintained.
Repository radxa-pkg/mraa is used for building on-line mraa-package, it means that we can get libmraa by apt, and it update according to eclipse/mraa
We will support mraa for ROCK 3A this week.

Still unreleased?

PR for Radxa ROCK 3A is still waiting for the upstream merger. We’ll release immediately after the upstream merger.

It finally merged :congratulations:

radxa-pkg was updated 5 hours ago.

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I can’t install it cause it have libpython3.9 dependency, which have no release candidate on ubuntu 22

@Nasca can you help with that issue?

How to install that package to ubuntu 22.04?

Maybe, you need to compile it based on eclipe/mraa on ubuntu 22.04.

Or you can tell me the link to the system image you downloaded and I can compile it for you.

I decided to add deadsnakes ppa to be able to install libpython3.9

btw that dependency error when caused by python-mraa (because I tried to install these simultaneously)

thanks for willing to help anyways!