I was following the following guide after managing to sort out some errors that were caused by a faulty usb and incompatible NVME SSD:
As I am on the last step to be able to boot from NVME, I update the uboot and kernel with the following commands:
$ sudo apt-get install -y rockchip-overlay
$ sudo apt-get install -y linux-4.4-latest rockpi4-dtbo rockpi4b-rk-u-boot-latest
The update is successful and I cd into /boot/ directory to modify the hw_intfc.conf. Although, there is no file in that directory. When I run ls command the files in the directory are as follows:
system.map-4.4.154-110 …
system.map-4.4.154-59 …
vmlinuz 4.4.15-110
vmlinuz 4.4.15-59
config 4.4.15-110
config 4.4.15-59
How do I get the hw_intfc.conf file and any missing files into the /boot/ directory, so that I may complete the step for SPI flash device of NVME SSD.