MESA error / segmentation fault

I am running an OpenGL app on a Radxa Zero with Armbian-based Ubuntu 24.04 LTS. More specifically, I am running a Python 3 app using the Kivy framework, which again uses OpenGL.

Once in a while the application crashes with the following error messages:

MESA: error: DRM_IOCTL_PANFROST_CREATE_BO failed (err=12)
/home/frame/.local/bin/01memories: line 40: 20528 Segmentation fault

Looks like there is a problem with the Panfrost GPU driver. However, the message is not very informative. Anyone having an idea what it could mean? Any hint appreciated.

Kind regards,

I think “err=12” usually means out of memory. Monitor your system memory with free or something and see whether these crashes occur when available RAM drops to 0.

Thanks for the hint! I am going to monitor as suggested.
Since I am using the 4 GB RAM edition, there should be plenty of memory. I am only loading and displaying digital photos, which usually do not have more then 12MP. Means an uncompressed image texture is in the order of 50 MB. Possibly, I am suffering from a memory leak. Will have to observe.
Do you (or anyone reading) know whether in theory all of the RAM can be made available to the GPU? Or is there a fixed, pre-defined split? If yes, where would I configure this split and give more RAM to the GPU?