Mainline Linux Debian from Collabora

Collabora added UFS image support for Nio-12-L has the download files and guide how to flash via fastboot (way easier and reliable than genio-flash).

As of 14.03.2025:

  • [x] HDMI working
    – For >HD resolutions via HDMI (My TV could negotiate 4k30 (60 should be possible to with the HW, my 1440P monitor is caped at 1024x768)
  • [x] WiFi working
  • [x] GPU via Panfrost
  • [x] VPU Encode / Decode when this is merged
  • [x] SD-Card working in Linux & U-Boot
  • [] USB-C not working at all


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Bootloader is only needed to get flashed once, so armbian can package a rootfs only image to get flashed by fastboot.
And the image format is Android sparse image:

Exactly, that was why I asked how to set the sector size for images in the armbian discord. I wanted to make the device config for the builder

@meco thanks for details and benchhmark, this is quite impressive speed for built in memory :slight_smile:

It’s good to have UFS even if it is just UFS 2.1 (the speeds lineup with the spec too)

fastboot can do that on the fly (no additional args needed) when images have not been ran through img2simg. For SD-Card it runs of a normal image.