I’m trying to find an alternative board to the Raspberry Pi for a Pistorm, but it needs super fast GPIO with low latency. I cannot find any information on the speeds, this would be bare metal.
I’ve been told that an alternative board would require a read GPIO latency of <50ns. Basically, a board would need to be able to be as good or faster than the following:
PI4: Read: 104nS, Write(toggle): 7.8nS, DIR(3ports): 18.4nS
PI3: Read: 74nS, Write(toggle): 14.7nS, DIR(3ports): 30nS
The last number is the speed to set all 3 gpio banks to input or output.
Note, that if this is possible, I can guarantee sales of more boards.
Can any of your boards handle this? The new 6 board?