Hi all,
I am trying to read a square wave with the GPIO pins on rockpi4b, as with pigpio on a raspberry pi3b. However, the libmraa examples in C only show output generation but not input.
Would anyone please point me to an example as the following? Thank you very much!
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <pigpio.h>
#define MAX_GPIOS 32
#define OPT_P_MIN 1
#define OPT_P_MAX 1000
#define OPT_P_DEF 20
#define OPT_R_MIN 1
#define OPT_R_MAX 300
#define OPT_R_DEF 10
#define OPT_S_MIN 1
#define OPT_S_MAX 10
#define OPT_S_DEF 5
typedef struct
uint32_t first_tick;
uint32_t last_tick;
uint32_t pulse_count;
} gpioData_t;
static volatile gpioData_t g_gpio_data[MAX_GPIOS];
static volatile gpioData_t l_gpio_data[MAX_GPIOS];
static volatile int g_reset_counts[MAX_GPIOS];
static uint32_t g_mask;
static int g_num_gpios;
static int g_gpio[MAX_GPIOS];
static int g_opt_p = OPT_P_DEF;
static int g_opt_r = OPT_R_DEF;
static int g_opt_s = OPT_S_DEF;
static int g_opt_t = 0;
void usage()
"\n" \
"Usage: sudo ./freq_count_1 gpio ... [OPTION] ...\n" \
" -p value, sets pulses every p micros, %d-%d, TESTING only\n" \
" -r value, sets refresh period in deciseconds, %d-%d, default %d\n" \
" -s value, sets sampling rate in micros, %d-%d, default %d\n" \
"\nEXAMPLE\n" \
"sudo ./freq_count_1 4 7 -r2 -s2\n" \
"Monitor gpios 4 and 7. Refresh every 0.2 seconds. Sample rate 2 micros.\n" \
void fatal(int show_usage, char *fmt, ...)
char buf[128];
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, fmt);
vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, ap);
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", buf);
if (show_usage) usage();
static int initOpts(int argc, char *argv[])
int i, opt;
while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "p:r:s:")) != -1)
i = -1;
switch (opt)
case 'p':
i = atoi(optarg);
if ((i >= OPT_P_MIN) && (i <= OPT_P_MAX))
g_opt_p = i;
else fatal(1, "invalid -p option (%d)", i);
g_opt_t = 1;
case 'r':
i = atoi(optarg);
if ((i >= OPT_R_MIN) && (i <= OPT_R_MAX))
g_opt_r = i;
else fatal(1, "invalid -r option (%d)", i);
case 's':
i = atoi(optarg);
if ((i >= OPT_S_MIN) && (i <= OPT_S_MAX))
g_opt_s = i;
else fatal(1, "invalid -s option (%d)", i);
default: /* '?' */
return optind;
void edges(int gpio, int level, uint32_t tick)
l_gpio_data[gpio].last_tick = tick;
if (level == 1) l_gpio_data[gpio].pulse_count++;
if (g_reset_counts[gpio])
g_reset_counts[gpio] = 0;
l_gpio_data[gpio].first_tick = tick;
l_gpio_data[gpio].last_tick = tick;
l_gpio_data[gpio].pulse_count = 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int i, rest, g, wave_id, mode, diff, tally;
gpioPulse_t pulse[2];
//int count[MAX_GPIOS];
/* command line parameters */
rest = initOpts(argc, argv);
/* get the gpios to monitor */
g_num_gpios = 0;
for (i=rest; i<argc; i++)
g = atoi(argv[i]);
if ((g>=0) && (g<32))
g_gpio[g_num_gpios++] = g;
g_mask |= (1<<g);
else fatal(1, "%d is not a valid g_gpio number\n", g);
if (!g_num_gpios) fatal(1, "At least one gpio must be specified");
printf("Monitoring gpios");
for (i=0; i<g_num_gpios; i++) printf(" %d", g_gpio[i]);
printf("\nSample rate %d micros, refresh rate %d deciseconds\n",
g_opt_s, g_opt_r);
gpioCfgClock(g_opt_s, 1, 1);
if (gpioInitialise()<0) return 1;
pulse[0].gpioOn = g_mask;
pulse[0].gpioOff = 0;
pulse[0].usDelay = g_opt_p;
pulse[1].gpioOn = 0;
pulse[1].gpioOff = g_mask;
pulse[1].usDelay = g_opt_p;
gpioWaveAddGeneric(2, pulse);
wave_id = gpioWaveCreate();
/* monitor g_gpio level changes */
for (i=0; i<g_num_gpios; i++) gpioSetAlertFunc(g_gpio[i], edges);
mode = PI_INPUT;
if (g_opt_t)
gpioWaveTxSend(wave_id, PI_WAVE_MODE_REPEAT);
mode = PI_OUTPUT;
for (i=0; i<g_num_gpios; i++) gpioSetMode(g_gpio[i], mode);
while (1)
gpioDelay(g_opt_r * 100000);
for (i=0; i<g_num_gpios; i++)
g = g_gpio[i];
g_gpio_data[g] = l_gpio_data[g];
diff = g_gpio_data[g].last_tick - g_gpio_data[g].first_tick;
tally = g_gpio_data[g].pulse_count;
if (diff == 0) diff = 1;
g_reset_counts[g] = 1;
printf("g=%d %.0f (%d/%d)\n",
g, 1000000.0 * tally / diff, tally, diff);