Issues installing RKDevTool on Mac

I followed the guide on the wiki to “Install Rockchip flashing tools” (link to guide below). Using MacOS and Homebrew. When I get to the step of running command “rkdeveloptool -v” I get the message “zsh: permission denied: rkdeveloptool”.

I’ve googled the topic and have tried to setup the correct rights, see screenshot.

Where do I start to troubleshoot this?

Wiki guide:

run it with sudo?

Running “sudo rkdeveloptool -v” gives me

“sudo: rkdeveloptool: command not found”

Does that mean it’s not installed?

When I was running “rkdeveloptool % autoreconf -i” I ran into “error:** **‘sprintf’ is deprecated: …”, don’t know if that’s the real problem.