I am having some issues getting the i2c to work on a RockPi 4 C+, since I am not able to scan correctly on the i2c busses using mraa-i2c nor i2c-tools.
Currently I am running the latest release of rock-pi-4 debian bullseye kde (55b), I set up the apt packges for the distro bullseye-stable and successfully installed rockchip-overlay, rockpi4-dtbo and libmraa.
I edited the /boot/hw_intfc.conf file to enbale i2cs, setting intfc:i2c2,6,7=on and rebooted the system.
Nevertheless, with a i2c slave powered and connected on pins I2C7_SDA and I2C7_SCL on the pins 3 and 5 of the connector, I am not able to see the address of the slave when I use mraa-i2c detect 0, which returns an empty string.
I have noticed that I am also not able to locate the package rockpi4c-rk-u-boot-latest when trying to install it. but u-boot-latest seems to be at the latest version.
Do you have any additional idea about what the problem might be?
Thanks, let me know if you need additional dettails