I got the following in serial. It seems that sd card is recognized but failed to boot. Using radxa debian image.
DDR 9fffbe1e78 cym 24/02/04-10:09:20,fwver: v1.16
LPDDR4X, 2112MHz
channel[0] BW=16 Col=10 Bk=8 CS0 Row=16 CS1 Row=16 CS=2 Die BW=16 Size=2048MB
channel[1] BW=16 Col=10 Bk=8 CS0 Row=16 CS1 Row=16 CS=2 Die BW=16 Size=2048MB
channel[2] BW=16 Col=10 Bk=8 CS0 Row=16 CS1 Row=16 CS=2 Die BW=16 Size=2048MB
channel[3] BW=16 Col=10 Bk=8 CS0 Row=16 CS1 Row=16 CS=2 Die BW=16 Size=2048MB
Manufacturer ID:0x6
CH0 RX Vref:29.3%, TX Vref:23.8%,22.8%
CH1 RX Vref:29.7%, TX Vref:22.8%,22.8%
CH2 RX Vref:29.3%, TX Vref:23.8%,22.8%
CH3 RX Vref:29.3%, TX Vref:22.8%,21.8%
change to F1: 528MHz
change to F2: 1068MHz
change to F3: 1560MHz
change to F0: 2112MHz
U-Boot SPL board init
U-Boot SPL 2017.09-gd1cf49135ee-220414-dirty #stephen (May 23 2024 - 19:39:28)
Trying to boot from MMC2
spl: partition error
Trying fit image at 0x4000 sector
Not fit magic
Trying fit image at 0x5000 sector
Not fit magic
Trying to boot from MTD2
Trying fit image at 0x4000 sector
Verified-boot: 0
Checking atf-1 0x00040000 … sha256(a7d1d8d191…) + OK
Checking uboot 0x00200000 … sha256(25a398ffe0…) + OK
Checking fdt 0x0031e9f8 … sha256(5bee414074…) + OK
Checking atf-2 0xff100000 … sha256(4b2065349b…) + OK
Checking atf-3 0x000f0000 … sha256(aa71013e72…) + OK
Jumping to U-Boot(0x00200000) via ARM Trusted Firmware(0x00040000)
Total: 638.742/870.869 ms
INFO: Preloader serial: 2
NOTICE: BL31: v2.3():v2.3-682-g4ca8a8422:derrick.huang, fwver: v1.45
NOTICE: BL31: Built : 10:11:21, Dec 27 2023
INFO: spec: 0x1
INFO: code: 0x88
INFO: ext 32k is not valid
INFO: ddr: stride-en 4CH
INFO: GICv3 without legacy support detected.
INFO: ARM GICv3 driver initialized in EL3
INFO: valid_cpu_msk=0xff bcore0_rst = 0x0, bcore1_rst = 0x0
INFO: l3 cache partition cfg-0
INFO: system boots from cpu-hwid-0
INFO: disable memory repair
INFO: idle_st=0x21fff, pd_st=0x11fff9, repair_st=0xfff70001
INFO: dfs DDR fsp_params[0].freq_mhz= 2112MHz
INFO: dfs DDR fsp_params[1].freq_mhz= 528MHz
INFO: dfs DDR fsp_params[2].freq_mhz= 1068MHz
INFO: dfs DDR fsp_params[3].freq_mhz= 1560MHz
INFO: BL31: Initialising Exception Handling Framework
INFO: BL31: Initializing runtime services
WARNING: No OPTEE provided by BL2 boot loader, Booting device without OPTEE initialization. SMC`s destined for OPTEE will return SMC_UNK
ERROR: Error initializing runtime service opteed_fast
INFO: BL31: Preparing for EL3 exit to normal world
INFO: Entry point address = 0x200000
INFO: SPSR = 0x3c9
U-Boot 2017.09-gd1cf49135ee-220414-dirty #stephen (May 23 2024 - 19:39:28 +0800)
Model: Radxa ROCK 5B
MPIDR: 0x81000000
PreSerial: 2, raw, 0xfeb50000
Sysmem: init
Relocation Offset: eda3f000
Relocation fdt: eb9f96c0 - eb9fecc8
Using default environment
Hotkey: ctrl+`
DM: v2
mmc@fe2c0000: 1, mmc@fe2e0000: 0
Card did not respond to voltage select!
mmc_init: -95, time 14
JEDEC id bytes: c2, 25, 38
SF: Detected sfc_nor with page size 256 Bytes, erase size 4 KiB, total 16 MiB
Bootdev(atags): mtd 2
PartType: EFI
No misc partition
boot mode: None
FIT: No boot partition
Failed to load DTB, ret=-2
No valid DTB, ret=-22
Failed to get kernel dtb, ret=-22
Model: Radxa ROCK 5B
MPIDR: 0x81000000
CLK: (sync kernel. arm: enter 1008000 KHz, init 1008000 KHz, kernel 0N/A)
b0pll 24000 KHz
b1pll 24000 KHz
lpll 24000 KHz
v0pll 24000 KHz
aupll 24000 KHz
cpll 1500000 KHz
gpll 1188000 KHz
npll 24000 KHz
ppll 1100000 KHz
aclk_center_root 702000 KHz
pclk_center_root 100000 KHz
hclk_center_root 396000 KHz
aclk_center_low_root 500000 KHz
aclk_top_root 750000 KHz
pclk_top_root 100000 KHz
aclk_low_top_root 396000 KHz
Net: No ethernet found.
Hit key to stop autoboot(‘CTRL+C’): 0
starting USB…
No working controllers found
USB is stopped. Please issue ‘usb start’ first.
switch to partitions #0, OK
mmc1 is current device
** Unrecognized filesystem type **
** Unrecognized filesystem type **
pcie@fe150000: PCIe Linking… LTSSM is 0x0
pcie@fe150000: PCIe Linking… LTSSM is 0x0
pcie@fe150000: PCIe Linking… LTSSM is 0x0
pcie@fe150000: PCIe Linking… LTSSM is 0x0
pcie@fe150000: PCIe Linking… LTSSM is 0x0
pcie@fe150000: PCIe Linking… LTSSM is 0x0
pcie@fe150000: PCIe Linking… LTSSM is 0x0
pcie@fe150000: PCIe Linking… LTSSM is 0x0
pcie@fe150000: PCIe Linking… LTSSM is 0x0
pcie@fe150000: PCIe Linking… LTSSM is 0x0
pcie@fe150000: PCIe Linking… LTSSM is 0x0
pcie@fe150000: PCIe Linking… LTSSM is 0x0
pcie@fe150000: PCIe Linking… LTSSM is 0x0
pcie@fe150000: PCIe Linking… LTSSM is 0x0
pcie@fe150000: PCIe Linking… LTSSM is 0x0
pcie@fe150000: PCIe Linking… LTSSM is 0x0
pcie@fe150000: PCIe Linking… LTSSM is 0x0
pcie@fe150000: PCIe Linking… LTSSM is 0x0
pcie@fe150000: PCIe Linking… LTSSM is 0x0
pcie@fe150000: PCIe Linking… LTSSM is 0x0
pcie@fe150000: PCIe Linking… LTSSM is 0x0
pcie@fe150000: PCIe Linking… LTSSM is 0x0
pcie@fe150000: PCIe Linking… LTSSM is 0x0
pcie@fe150000: PCIe Linking… LTSSM is 0x0
pcie@fe150000: PCIe Linking… LTSSM is 0x0
pcie@fe150000: PCIe Linking… LTSSM is 0x1
pcie@fe150000: PCIe Linking… LTSSM is 0x0
pcie@fe150000: PCIe Linking… LTSSM is 0x0
pcie@fe150000: PCIe Linking… LTSSM is 0x0
pcie@fe150000: PCIe Linking… LTSSM is 0x1
pcie@fe150000: PCIe Linking… LTSSM is 0x0
pcie@fe150000: PCIe Linking… LTSSM is 0x0
pcie@fe150000: PCIe Linking… LTSSM is 0x0
pcie@fe150000: PCIe Linking… LTSSM is 0x1
pcie@fe150000: PCIe Linking… LTSSM is 0x0
pcie@fe150000: PCIe Linking… LTSSM is 0x0
pcie@fe150000: PCIe Linking… LTSSM is 0x0
pcie@fe150000: PCIe Linking… LTSSM is 0x0
pcie@fe150000: PCIe Linking… LTSSM is 0x0
pcie@fe150000: PCIe Linking… LTSSM is 0x0
pcie@fe150000: PCIe Linking… LTSSM is 0x0
pcie@fe150000: PCIe Linking… LTSSM is 0x0
pcie@fe150000: PCIe Linking… LTSSM is 0x0
pcie@fe150000: PCIe Linking… LTSSM is 0x0
pcie@fe150000: PCIe Linking… LTSSM is 0x0
pcie@fe150000: PCIe Linking… LTSSM is 0x0
pcie@fe150000: PCIe Linking… LTSSM is 0x0
pcie@fe150000: PCIe Linking… LTSSM is 0x0
pcie@fe150000: PCIe Linking… LTSSM is 0x0
pcie@fe150000: PCIe Linking… LTSSM is 0x0
pcie@fe150000: PCIe-0 Link Fail
Device 0: unknown device
pcie@fe150000: failed to find reset-gpios property
Device 1: unknown device
Card did not respond to voltage select!
mmc_init: -95, time 13
Device 2: Vendor: 0x2207 Rev: V1.00 Prod: sfc_nor
Type: Hard Disk
Capacity: 16.0 MB = 0.0 GB (32768 x 512)
… is now current device
** Unrecognized filesystem type **
Device 1:
Device 0: unknown device
starting USB…
No working controllers found
pcie@fe150000: failed to find reset-gpios property
No ethernet found.
missing environment variable: pxeuuid
missing environment variable: bootfile
Retrieving file: pxelinux.cfg/00000000
No ethernet found.
missing environment variable: bootfile
Retrieving file: pxelinux.cfg/0000000
No ethernet found.
missing environment variable: bootfile
Retrieving file: pxelinux.cfg/000000
No ethernet found.
missing environment variable: bootfile
Retrieving file: pxelinux.cfg/00000
No ethernet found.
missing environment variable: bootfile
Retrieving file: pxelinux.cfg/0000
No ethernet found.
missing environment variable: bootfile
Retrieving file: pxelinux.cfg/000
No ethernet found.
missing environment variable: bootfile
Retrieving file: pxelinux.cfg/00
No ethernet found.
missing environment variable: bootfile
Retrieving file: pxelinux.cfg/0
No ethernet found.
missing environment variable: bootfile
Retrieving file: pxelinux.cfg/default-arm-rockchip
No ethernet found.
missing environment variable: bootfile
Retrieving file: pxelinux.cfg/default-arm
No ethernet found.
missing environment variable: bootfile
Retrieving file: pxelinux.cfg/default
No ethernet found.
Config file not found
starting USB…
No working controllers found
pcie@fe150000: failed to find reset-gpios property
No ethernet found.
Could not get mtd 0
Booting FIT Image FIT: No boot partition
FIT: No fit blob
FIT: No FIT image
Unknown command ‘bootrkp’ - try ‘help’
=> mmc list
mmc@fe2c0000: 1 (SD)
mmc@fe2e0000: 0
=> mmc
mmc - MMC sub system
mmc info - display info of the current MMC device
mmc read addr blk# cnt
mmc write addr blk# cnt
mmc erase blk# cnt
mmc rescan
mmc part - lists available partition on current mmc device
mmc dev [dev] [part] - show or set current mmc device [partition]
mmc list - lists available devices
mmc hwpartition [args…] - does hardware partitioning
arguments (sizes in 512-byte blocks):
[user [enh start cnt] [wrrel {on|off}]] - sets user data area attributes
[gp1|gp2|gp3|gp4 cnt [enh] [wrrel {on|off}]] - general purpose partition
[check|set|complete] - mode, complete set partitioning completed
WARNING: Partitioning is a write-once setting once it is set to complete.
Power cycling is required to initialize partitions after set to complete.
mmc testsecurestorage - test CA call static TA to store data in security
mmc testefuse - test CA call static TA,and TA read or write efuse
mmc rpmb read addr blk# cnt [address of auth-key] - block size is 256 bytes
mmc rpmb write addr blk# cnt - block size is 256 bytes
mmc rpmb key - program the RPMB authentication key.
mmc rpmb counter - read the value of the write counter
mmc setdsr - set DSR register value
=> mmc info
Device: mmc@fe2c0000
Manufacturer ID: 1b
OEM: 534d
Name: FE4S9
Timing Interface: Legacy
Tran Speed: 52000000
Rd Block Len: 512
SD version 3.0
High Capacity: Yes
Capacity: 238.8 GiB
Bus Width: 4-bit
Erase Group Size: 512 Bytes
=> mmc part
Partition Map for MMC device 1 – Partition Type: EFI
Part Start LBA End LBA Name
Partition GUID
1 0x00008000 0x0000ffff “primary”
attrs: 0x0000000000000000
type: 0fc63daf-8483-4772-8e79-3d69d8477de4
guid: 29f31020-3e5b-4ce6-b484-89ae0b343884
2 0x00010000 0x000a5fff “primary”
attrs: 0x0000000000000004
type: 0fc63daf-8483-4772-8e79-3d69d8477de4
guid: 86b895a7-cf9c-49b7-92e6-4722cc19b39f
3 0x000a6000 0x00dfffd8 “primary”
attrs: 0x0000000000000004
type: 0fc63daf-8483-4772-8e79-3d69d8477de4
guid: e6a70503-a533-40ce-8468-f4175f76afc4