Is there any way to supply power without using USB?

I really need to use two USB ports, and my planning project don’t have space to place a hub. So I have to use all two micro USB ports on board, and I need to find some other way to power the board.

I have used some Raspberry Pis, they have several test pads that allow you to weld wires to a 5V power supply. This is actually preferred from supplying power from the 40pin header, because the test pads won’t bypass onboard power protection, but the 5V pins in 40pin header would connect directly to the CPU.

So my question is: does RADXA Zero (and RockPi 3 series) have similar test pads for power supply? If not, which is the preferred way to welding power wires?

You can power through the +5V pins on the GPIO header. They’re connected directly to the USB power pins.

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Use a PiSugar with a RTC, youll be very impressed.