Is there an android image I can use to flash 9.1 or the 8.1 that has vulkan support?


So I used the Android 8.1 that came with it and it didn’t say it had Vulkan so I tried downloading from and I don’t even get a blank screen I get no HDMI output from my monitor

Either image returns no HDMI output switching back to the Debian Buster image works

Is there no screen on the monitor after you burn Android?

Correct there is nothing on the screen after burning android.

Can you provide the serial log? Have you removed the screws from the core panel?

Not really I will have to get a USB to TTL cable. I seem to notice a some cables that are 3.3volts and some that are 5 I don’t see anything in the hardware wiki to indicate which to use?

Here you can find the serial console pins: