Intel HD graphics

Have anyone successfully installed Intel HD graphics (yes i know, that to install it you need to disable one of the group policy in radxa image) and have not received any BSOD since then?

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I’m curious about this too. Everything seems to be working great except mine becomes completely unstable after installing the Intel HD Graphics drivers.

Specifically, it’s perfectly stable if I boot it up and leave it idle, but if I interact with it much at all, it goes straight to crashy town. :frowning:

Edit: So, it isn’t the Intel HD Graphics drivers causing the crashing. It’s the monitor I am using, a HSD088IPW1-B00 with a HDMI-HSD088-V02 driver board. When connected to this monitor/board the system becomes very unstable for some reason. Connected to a normal 1920x1200 monitor, it’s completely fine.

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I have BSODs all the time after installing HD graphics. Disabling it stop the BSODs…
also tested several displays.

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It’s really sad bc when its not crashing it do provide a decent experience on a debloated win 10 installation. Does somebody found any workaround? I also tried latest image from radxa and it does the same.

Sadly i do not, i’m using this system as RDP-client, so I have never looked into this problem. So far there is 3 versions:

  1. Overheat
  2. Powersupply
  3. Problem between Intel, Windows and ceramics of chip

I did a fresh install of Windows 10 64bit OEM CU 20H2 OS, not installing the Radxa image and the Intel HD Graphics driver works without BSOD. It takes a while to load all the device drivers, but then MS does the HD driver update.

I have not tried CU 21H1 at this point as a comparison.

Hm, i guess i need to test it

Just for reference, once the updated PMIC driver is updated with Windows 10 Update, that is when I see MS do the update for Intel HD Graphics. Until then, it is the basic graphics driver. The standard PMIC driver I see in the driver library does not load correctly.