Initial thoughts on the Radxa X4

Hey all!

I received my X4 yesterday and have given my initial thoughts on the board (and the PoE HAT/cooler) at

If you have any questions, or specific things you’d like me to take a look at, let me know and I’ll do my best :smile:



Would you be interested in trying Android x86? I’m curious as to the N100 temperature when running android.

It’s not something I really have experience with but if you can point me in the right direction of an image/installation then I can see if I can squeeze it in at some point!

Android-x86 - Porting Android to x86

should be a very straightforward install.

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Nice review, it seems like the bottom cooler isn’t ideal for working with hats in the end…
What have you tried to do with gpio ?
Just toggle on/off or PWM/Serial interfaces ?
If you haven’t, could you try sending UART/I2C frames over the gpio ?
Thanks again for the initial review !

Will look into it at some point this week hopefully. It’s a bit hectic at home at the moment!

I’ve not actually tried anything yet, I’ve had a quick look to see how I’d interact with it but I didn’t see it as a super critical part for my first review. I’ll get to it in followup pieces though and will take a look.

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Okay good to know, thank you,
I’ll stay tuned for your next work then.
Have a good week!