In-Band ECC Support Request

Please make enabling configuration of In-Band ECC a priority for future BIOS updates, thank you!

In the latest (X4-V001.bin) I note this option exists:

"In-Band ECC Support", Help: "Enable/Disable In-Band ECC. Will be enabled if memory has symmetric configuration", QuestionFlags: 0x10, QuestionId: 0x55F, VarStoreId: 0x5, VarOffset: 0x1A5, Flags: 0x10, Size: 8, Min: 0x0, Max: 0x1, Step: 0x0
			OneOfOption Option: "Disabled" Value: 0, Default, MfgDefault
			OneOfOption Option: "Enabled" Value: 1

In general, other N100 platforms with (LP)DDR5 support this option. This feature on X4 would be amazing!


I second this request. In-Band ECC support would make this already great value into an unbeatable value for a high performance RPI form factor SBC.

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One more vote in favor of ECC support!

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