Ice tower fan cooling

Is the Ice tower fan compatible with rock 5b ?

Ice tower

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Do the holes and cpu placement line up with a Pi?
As prob not.

This tower and related holes are design for the last Pi model.

So there you go answered as this is a Rock5b

For more powerful heat sink like ice tower, I search an alternative compatible for rock 5b.

You probably don’t need a heatsink that only cools the cpu and that the supplied heatsinks are enough.
Really because the Rock5b is such a big step up from a Pi you need to thinking of cooling in terms of other computers and airflow.

The SoC for power runs very cool and the active thin $5 cooler from Allnet or the Blue passive is enough as both m.2 if populated, ram chips, top & bottom pcb services likely just need moderate air flow.
That a side mounted fan blowing accross passives via the width of the board, is likely more benedicial for the more complex system.