1.i have the same named jsons as yours and i tried to double them (make the same as u recommend) but not working.
2.also i tried to build from source following sergei_gagarin instructions - the server from build dir starts successfully but no result with picture.
3.i tried to copy out and overwrite files from Debian distro (jsons,server, lib and only jsons separately) - no result.
4.i tried to downgrade rkaserver to 3.0 (from radxa repo) - not working.
what i found out - when i do restart -
systemctl restart rkaiq_3A.service
always the first image is in dark but “good” colors -
the second and further - in green.
ps.havent waste so much time building ROS on radxa as we fight on with camera )
youtube com/watch?v=wwiR1BqJFoM