How to use Radxa Camera 4K

1.i have the same named jsons as yours and i tried to double them (make the same as u recommend) but not working.
2.also i tried to build from source following sergei_gagarin instructions - the server from build dir starts successfully but no result with picture.
3.i tried to copy out and overwrite files from Debian distro (jsons,server, lib and only jsons separately) - no result.
4.i tried to downgrade rkaserver to 3.0 (from radxa repo) - not working.

what i found out - when i do restart -
systemctl restart rkaiq_3A.service
always the first image is in dark but “good” colors -
the second and further - in green.

ps.havent waste so much time building ROS on radxa as we fight on with camera )
youtube com/watch?v=wwiR1BqJFoM

ok. i solved it. in a half )

  1. installed backbone official ubuntu image - [ rock-5b_ubuntu_jammy_cli_b36.img.xz ]( github com/radxa-build/rock-5b/releases/download/b36/rock-5b_ubuntu_jammy_cli_b36.img.xz)
    2.installed ubuntu-desktop
    3.installed camera-engine:
    dpkg -i [camera-engine-rkaiq_3.0.2_arm64.deb ](github com/radxa/debos-radxa/raw/main/rootfs/packages/arm64/camera/camera-engine-rkaiq_3.0.2_arm64.deb)
    4.enable with rsetup camera (marked 4k-camera overlay).

but devil in details )
i cant use standard gsteamer pipeline (at the top of the post).
my pipe looks like:

gst-launch-1.0 v4l2src device=/dev/video11 ! video/x-raw,format=NV12,width=640,height=480, framerate=30/1 ! autovideosink

making photo by python looks like:

import gi
import sys
import time

#python3 1.jpg 1 - photo
#python3 video_30s_30fps_640x480.mp4 30

gi.require_version(‘Gst’, ‘1.0’)
from gi.repository import Gst

initialize GStreamer


#pipeline = Gst.parse_launch (“v4l2src device=/dev/video11 !
#video/x-raw,format=NV12,width=640,height=480,framerate=30/1 ! filesink location=” + sys.argv[1])
pipeline = Gst.parse_launch (“v4l2src device=/dev/video11 ! video/x-raw,format=NV12,width=640,height=480,framerate=5/1 ! jpegenc ! filesink location=” + sys.argv[1])

so i do not use mpph264enc as it was not installed.
may be it will be next step.

have a nice day.

You need to patch gstreamer. Search for the answer in Raphael thread.

Is there anyone working on MIPI/CSI support for rk3588(s) in mainline kernel? My googling found nothing. Is it very hard or what could be the reason? Seems like an urgent piece of hardware to support.

Or is there any other kernel repo where I can find a recent kernel, or patches for a recent kernel, that has support for MIPI/CSI camera?
Does contain what I need? I’m not sure I understand how that repo is organized.

For mainline MIPI/CSI & ISP are currently not being worked on, you can find the list/status here.

Thanks, yes I already saw that Collabora plan. But I don’t understand: is Collabora paid by Rockchip to perform this kernel development, or how is it that their plan is the only relevant one? Doesn’t Rockchip or Radxa have their own kernel developer team?

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