so there is zero documentation on how to use the eDP Interface [under linux] in the Wiki.
After some googling it seems like i need to mess with the DTS-files to the kernel to make it work. But that only resulted in a blackscreen/noboot sofar… Since i had to make a custom PCB for my eDP display, i also don’t know if my PCB is right, so i need a way to debug that, too…
Any advice?
Some notes from the schematic:
Backlight Enable GPIO: LCD1_BKLT_EN [Alias?]
Backlight PWM: PWM0
LCD_VDD seems to be switched by: GPIO4_D3_1V8 [GPIO10]
- https://forum.armbian.com/topic/15142-nanopc-t4-trying-to-enable-edp-lcd-display/#comment-119374
- http://rockchip.wikidot.com/edp
- https://www.t-firefly.com/ueditor/php/upload/file/20171213/1513128959299913.pdf
- https://wiki.t-firefly.com/en/Firefly-RK3399/driver_lcd.html
- https://www.digi.com/resources/documentation/digidocs/90001945-13/reference/yocto/r_an_adding_custom_display.htm