Hello All,
I have a RockPi 3A that I have installed the default Ubuntu Focal image on. My intent was to use the device for 1 purpose which was to convert iSCSI to a USB interface for the PS5. I can say that almost everything is working as expected using open ISCSI and g_mass_storage.
Unfortunately, it looks like the latest kernel available in this default ubuntu branch is 4.19 which means that the kernel doesn’t allow g_mass_storage to emulate a drive larger than 2TB. This is documented here including the fix in a later kenel version.
My question is, is there a way to upgrade to any mainline kernels that have not been tested and released by Radxa? If not, is there a way I can request this as a candidate for the official radxa release?
I have a good amount of experience with Linux but this is the 1st time where uboot was a factor in the mix and I can’t even figure out how to upgrade the kernel.