How to update kernel? Rock Pi 4B

Rock Pi 4B 4GB, /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ has radxa deb in .list file.
Current kernel:

Linux rock 4.4.154-110-rockchip-gcef30e88a9f5 #1 SMP Mon Jun 22 07:37:10 UTC 2020 aarch64 aarch64 aarch64 GNU/Linux

I see that there is newer kernel. My main question is: how to update kernel?

apt update & apt dist-upgrade does not help.

Also I would do the upgrade proper way - with headers, not only exchange /boot/ files.


$ sudo apt-get install -y rockpi4b-rk-u-boot-latest

does not work anymore.

I’ve seen this page and it didn’t helped.

EDIT: maybe there is no kernel update for focal-stable? Maybe 110 is the latest one?

sudo apt-get install linux-base
sudo apt-get install linux-4.4-latest


So, let’s talk about how browser working. If you look at page - there is thing called scroll bar (right sise of the browser’s window).

If you move it down - you will see other useful information on the page. Also you can move it with middle button on your mouse

I have both of these and there is no kernel update beyond 110.

112 is in last system image file for Rock Pi 4B, but seems like there may be even newer kernel.


Nice try. As I’ve said, I’ve already seen this page and nothing from it helps anyway.

Well, I tried. You can always switch to -testing