How to start the new rock5b

I’m a newbie, I use Emmc USB Reader + 48g Emmc + wifi A8, after the rock5b is started, only the green light is always on, and there is no sound, I don’t have display and network cable, only wifi username and password, how can I configure my rock5b to automatically start with my wifi username and password? (Can I use the Raspberry Pi ubuntu image? It can edit the configuration file to configure the default wifi username and password before starting), thanks

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Hi luna, please keep in mind that the rock5b is more or less a development platform, maybe you need a monitor, keybaord and network to have a inital setup. The raspberry images are not usable, you need a rock5b compatible image.
I’m not aware that this images has the same configurable options for ssh and wifi. Maybe someone else knows that.
I would recommend to use a monitor and keyboard to do the inital setup.

Best regards

Try this guide:

The rock 5b doesn’t have a wifi module(unless you added one yourself). Therefore you will need either a network cable or a mobile phone with USB cable. For the latter, do the following:

Add to /etc/network/interfaces on your SD card
Auto usb0
iface usb0 inet dhcp

Attach phone via USB to rock 5 and setup USB tethering in settings-network(android only)

Nvm I just read you have the wifi module. In that case add the wifi config in /etc/network/interfaces

It should be along the lines of:
iface wlan0 inet dhcp
wpa-ssid your network name
wpa-psk yourwifipassword

The name of the wifi interface might be different, I would ask someone who does have that wifi module to confirm that it’s named wlan0 and doesn’t have a node-specific name or is named wlo1 altogether

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