How to RPi 7inch LCD Use for 5B?

Hello, everyone.

I 'm trying using OSOYOO 7 inch MIPI DSI LCD for Rock5B.(Probably RPi 7 inch LCD compatible)
but, not working well…

OS: Ubuntu 20.04 Server + Ubuntu desktop
Type: Rock5B 16GB

Here’s what I’ve tried:

  1. check FPC cable
    -> not working

  2. build & use RPi 7 inch LCD Driver for RockPi4




rock@rock-5b:~$ ls /sys/class/drm
card0  card0-DP-1  card0-HDMI-A-1  card0-HDMI-A-2  card0-Writeback-1  card1  renderD128  renderD129  version

-> not working

  1. use Radxa 10FHD LCD device tree



-> not working

Is there anything else I should try?

I would like to ask about your progress
As far as I understand you need to match use same value for dts.compatible and driver.compatible so that kernel knows which driver it should use for the given dts node.

In your case driver has .compatible = “raspberrypi,7inch-touchscreen-panel” but dts has compatible =“rockpi,tc358762”

Me too is interested whether someone is more lucky than me getting the overlay working :slight_smile:
Even though I am on 5A, I think the device tree would be pretty much identical.

Couple of things in addition to @tsadigov note is that the compatible from the metadata should be set to something like compatible = "radxa,rock-5b", "rockchip,rk3588";. And closer to the end there are also rockpi_* fields which do not seem to be applicable for the 5B.

I was also wondering, did you make the pin adapter yourself, or is there some off-the-shelf thing to make life easier?