How to get a OLED SSD1306 I2C display to work?

I have researched the net, tried every way possible to get this 3W to use a I2C display but can’t find a way to make it work.


  • Latest Radxa Debian
  • RSetup to use I2C3-M0
  • installed all tools and see the display using i2cdetect -y 3
  • Using SDA/SCK on pins 3 and 5 respectively


i2c3-m0 was occupied by kernel, maybe you need to write the ssd1306 node in the kernel’s dts if you want use i2c3-m0, I’d suggest you try using another i2c bus.

to let ssd1306 work, you can refer to this sample code

Thank you, this was very helpful and I was able to use it on I2c-4 after activating it in rsetup.

Now it’s up to me to write the code.

Thanks for getting back quickly.