If running on Debian/Ubuntu how can the type of board e.g. Rock Pi 4b, E, S, N10 etc, the version of the board v1.3 v1.4 be found.
How to find the type of board, revision etc
The hardware version is printed on the PCB silkscreen, currently it can not be read by the software.
If the file model found in /sys/firmware/devicetree/base/ available and contains the correct information for the other type of boards?
The device tree contains the right model(4/S/E/N10 etc), but doesn’t contains the hardware revision.
The Raspberry Pi for some time did not qualify the model or revision information as an easy string to reference, but used various methods to query, low level, the hardware characteristics.
Does RADXA not provide some value somewhere? The model string is incomplete, Zero 3E, only shows ‘RADXA ZERO 3’ unfortunately.
I need to explicitly determine the difference between say 3W and 3E… yes I can play games with the drivers that are loaded or look for device interfaces, etc. But surely there has to be something better available, no?