How to enable spi and pwm on rock5b

Hi, I’m trying to enable spi and pwm on rock5b on ubuntu, but i can’t find any document about this and the site is not available, Can someone give me some advice, Thanks for your help!

do you mean pwm for the fan?
do you mean with spi the eeprom or the spi interface on the haeder
if you mean the eeprom this might help you:
for pwm search “how to controll fan in linux” if its for the fan

spi for tft display. pwm for controlling its back light

i cant find any documentation about it so i think in a month some documentation should appear
for the pwm this could help
its for the rock 3a but might work
and dont forget 10mA per gpio maximum otherwise it could destroy the pin or the soc

you mean the SPI LCD just like Pi’s? I think they would be similar, so following this may work?

I have MPI3501 and you can find the spec here; no time to play around lately so I cannot tell you if that really works or not.

@enoch @hannes-campidell The tutorial was updated yesterday, but according to the tutorial configuration, my spi works, pwm doesn’t.

yes, it’s similar. I’m using the LCD but there is no document about how to develop the program. if i have Raspberry Pi. i can use these libraries like wiringPi and spidev , but these libraries can’t used in rock 5b.

any luck solving the problem?