How to enable NPU in rockpi 3C?

Rock 3C has 0.8T NPU functionality, how can i enable it in offical debian11 image?

Currently NPU is not supported in ROCK 3C, so please follow the below recording to enable the overlay manually:

We will update the overlay, so it will be shown in rsetup for easy management.

After run the following commands, the system can’t boot up, the blue indicated LED is not lighted.
$ sudo cp /usr/lib/linux-image-4.19.193-4-rk356x/rockchip/overlays/rk3568-npu-enable.dtbo /boot/dtbo
$ sudo u-boot-update
$ grep overlay /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf
fdtoverlays /boot/dtbo/rk3568-npu-enable.dtbo
fdtoverlays /boot/dtbo/rk3568-npu-enable.dtbo
$ sudo reboot

If you comment the new added lines (#fdtoverlays /boot/dtbo/rk3568-npu-enable.dtbo) in /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf, and reboot again, the system recovery as before.

Your system must be the 1GB version then. NPU is only supported with at least 2GB memory IIRC. The above command was tested on a 4GB 3C. This is why the NPU was not enabled initially.

Please try again with system installed on a microSD card. I hit the kernel panic when I tried to boot from eMMC even on my 4GB 3C.

My system is booted from SD card, the fault is easily to reproduce.