How do you pronounce Radxa ?
Is it Ra-ca-sa or Rad za or Ra ca za … or something else ?
How do you pronounce Radxa ?
Is it Ra-ca-sa or Rad za or Ra ca za … or something else ?
Though, if I wanted to pronounce it completely properly in my language I’d have to say “rah-d-ksah”.
Pronouncing “dx” in “Radxa” is slightly unnatural in my language. It requires a hard, explicit pause between “d” and “x”. I don’t think there exists any word with that combination here.
So unless we’re intentionally, carefully watching the pronunciation (which requires non-zero effort), then additional, sort of “buffer” sounds naturally appear. And in case of “Radxa” a faint sound similar to “a” gets automatically inserted when the tongue is transitioning between pronouncing “d” and “x”. Meaning - “Radxa” is pronounced as “Radaxa”.
By personal preference, I just add that “a” explicitly. It’s much easier on the tongue.
Also note that “x” is pronounced as “ks” like in “box”.
Does that explain it?
On the other hand, “ra-ca-za” makes exactly zero sense to me, but hey, that’s language differences for 'ya!
Around here it is just “Rad-x”
Obviously it’s not supposed to be the English X letter sound following a D, this would be impossible to pronounce. But adding an A there is weird. Especially since X in pinyin seems to signify a few different phonemes. You wouldn’t pronounce Jinping’s family name as Ksi, but Shi, for example.
Okay. Let me rephrase what I said in simpler, more understandable terms.
It’s nearly impossible not to pronounce that inserted “a” in my language. That’s that. It’s impossible and the pronunciation doesn’t work without it at all.
Find it weird if you want. I find your lack of understanding weird.
Also why would you refer to Chinese if Radxa themselves said that the company name stems from a Latin word?
Because it comes from a Chinese company and I’d think they would use at least some of their culture when naming things. For example, the names of such companies: Luckfox, waveshare etc, they don’t mean much in English but Chinese often uses 2 characters to represent something new (Luck and Fox would be 2 such characters, for example). Radxa may come from Radix (as written on their website), but may still be designed to be read like Pinyin.
Looking at the other post on this it seems the “d” is silent !
The name “Radxa” leaves a stronger impression precisely because it appears simple yet defies intuitive pronunciation—it feels counterintuitive.
So RA XA is correct then (with silent d) ?
Its R A D -/- A !