How difficult are ports to the Rock3A from Raspberry Pi linux sources?

I recently received my first Radxa Rock3A which I am using as a home server. It is doing fine serving the 10TB of media, etc., that I need help with.

What I’d like to know is, how difficult is it to port things to the RK3568 from existing linux, e.g., Raspberry Pi sources. I just found something called CasaOS which is fascinating, but is only set-up for the Pi and X86 hardware. If it can be adapted/cross-compiled or whatever, it would run like a champ on my severely under-employed Rock3A.

Thanks to all!

Since Rock3A also supports Ubuntu Server and Armbian, you can just install CasaOS to it.

System Compatibility
Ubuntu Server 20.04 amd64 (white_check_mark Recommend, Tested)
Armbian 22.02 armhf/arm64/amd64 (white_check_mark Recommend, Tested)

Same os, different silicon. Unless CasaOs is done with python or perl a cpu specific version will be required, or so it seems to me. Mere OS compatability seems to be insufficient.

Software supports hardware and not the other way around? :smile: AFAIK (Canonical) Ubuntu only supports Raspberry Pi (and few others) and already there does the job poor. Most of other OS-es for Rpi are better.

@SFarber If you find Casa user interface cool, install it and use it. It will work on Armbian Linux the same (good or bad) as on Raspberry Pi Linux (Raspbian / RaspberryPi OS).

Casa software runs inside Docker (x86 or arm64) container so you don’t need to worry about.

Recently they started to work on running this inside Docker:

from glancing over its github, it seems like a go application that they have compiled binaries for x86_64, arm64 and arm32. its not an actual os. as long as docker is able to run in your sbc, you will be able to run the casaos