Does anyone know how one identifies whether an RK3308 chip is the B or B-S variant?
How are the two variants labeled?
I’ve got a couple Rock S0 boards that supposedly have the B variant
and a couple Rock PI-S boards that used the B-S variant.
The text printed on one of the ‘B-S’ chips is:
SBAKW50000 2214
This chip overclocks to 1.3Ghz with the B-S operating points.
The text printed on one of the ‘S’ chips is:
SBAK18005 2039
This chip requires the ‘B’ Operating Points to overclock to 1.3Ghz.
I would expect the B-S variant be labeled RK3308B-S on the line below Rockchip.
Is there any status register that one can read in software to determine the chip variant?